Међународни пројекти
TEMPUSInformation and Communication Technologies in Health Care. 2002.
TEMPUSDesign of an Integral Curriculum to Undergraduate Medical Education in BIH (DICTUM). Мр Дејан Бокоњић2003.
TEMPUSEuropean Management Project for BIH Universities. 2003.
TEMPUSIntroduction of ECTS at the BIH Universities. 2004.
TEMPUSQuality menagement in Medicine (QUMAMED).Мр Дејан Бокоњић2005.
TEMPUS Integrated Learning in Medicine INTEL M.Мр Дејан Бокоњић2005.
TEMPUSECTS-BIHMED.Мр Дејан Бокоњић2005.
TEMPUSStrengthening Quality Assurance in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2005.
TEMPUSReform of Nursing Education in BiH (REFINE).Мр Дејан Бокоњић2005.
TEMPUSSH-MEDBIH.Мр Дејан Бокоњић2006.
TEMPUSEU oriented self-evaulation report procedures for BIH Universities (EUSER-BIH).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић2007.
TEMPUSIntroducing European credit transfer system on Medical faculties in BH. 2007.
TEMPUSThe role of stakeholders in quality assurance procedures at BIH medical faculties. 2007.
TEMPUSESABIH.Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић2009.
TEMPUSOpportunities for students with special needs in higher education.  Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  2012.
TEMPUSCompetency Based Curriculum Reform in Nursing and Caring in Western Balkans (CCNURCA).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  2013.
TEMPUSStudies in Bioengineering and Medical Informatics.Проф. др Стеван Трбојевић2013.
TEMPUSPublic Health in the Western Balkans- Improvement in the Field of Public Health and Development of a „One Health“ Educational and Scientific Architecture in Western Balkan Countries (ONEHEALTH).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  2014.
ERASMUS+Assisting Better Communication (ABC).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  2016.
ERASMUS+Strengthening Capacities for the Implementation of Dual Education in BiH Higher Education (DualSCI).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  2019.
ERASMUS+Improving the process of education through the development of e-learning multimedia platform and smart classrooms (SMARTEL).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  20200.
ERASMUS+Development of part-time and short cycle studies in higher education in Bosnia and Herzegovina (PARTISH).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић  2020.
ERASMUS+Strengthening capacities and digital competences in biomedical education through internationalization at home – BIOSINT, ERASMUS+ KA2   2022
ERASMUS+Development And Implementation Of Metacognitive Problem-Based Modules In Blended Learning Courses In Medical Sciences-Problems, Erasmus+ Ka2   2022
Остали међународни пројектиProvide two-day continuing medical education (CME )training courses in cardio-vascular risk assessment and management /CVRAM/ based on the agreed curriculum,for 200 family medicine teams/FTMs/570 family medicine doctors and nurses.Проф. др Маја Рачић2016.
Остали међународни пројектиSEROPREVALENCE STUDY OF SARS-CoV-2 INFECTION IN THE POPULATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA  (World Health Organization).Проф. др Дејан Бокоњић2020.
COST пројекти
CostNew Frontiers of Peer Review (PEERE).Проф. др Синиша Ристић2014.
CostGender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries.Проф. др Маја Рачић2015.
CostMagnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers for Chronic Kidney Disease.Проф. др Синиша Ристић2017.
CostCorrelated Multimodal Imaging in Life Sciences.Проф. др Синиша Ристић2018.
CostCancer nanomedicine – from the bench to the bedside.Проф. др Синиша Ристић2018.
CostThe neural architecture of consciousness.Проф. др Синиша Ристић2019.
CostNetwork for blood pressure research in children and adolescents.др Бојан Јоксимовић2020.